9. DDLC原作 -《She Looks Like A Real Thing》

画这幅作品的背景是一次跟朋友聊我画的画,我意识到我从来没有画过一幅以莫妮卡为主角的作品,而莫妮卡作为DDLC的主角,我一幅她的画都没画确实是说不过去的,因此在设计了多个草稿后,我选了这个构图画了一张完整的作品。算是把之前《Welcome To The Literature Club》的想法完善了一下吧。因为在《离歌》里纱世里身上的很多画法是基于动漫的,所以在这一幅里我又进一步尝试去画了一下,当然还是很烂就是了。
构图灵感来自Radiohead -《Fake Plastic Trees》,也是这幅作品名字的由来。实际上我还专门修改了这首歌里的意象让它更好适配莫妮卡的故事(虽然原曲”She looks like a real thing, she tastes like a real thing… my fake plastic love” 已经是绝杀了),我会在结尾附上。除了《Fake Plastic Trees》外,这幅作品的灵感也来自于莫妮卡在原作里的诗:《Hole in Wall》,墙中之洞,描绘的当然就是莫妮卡看向第四面墙外的那种感觉。我之前也有提到过,眼睛是一个表现灵魂的意象,DDLC的灵魂当然是莫妮卡,这幅画的核心也是“看”,因此整个画面都被她的左眼填满,画面所有的细节和故事都发生在她的眼睛里。而眼睛外的皮肤和头发部分,就没有太多的细节了,相反,我还特地处理成了黑白,以及调低了不透明度,让二进制编码从莫妮卡脸的后面显现出来。
整体思路就这么多了。其实在《When The Morning Light Shines In》后,我一直就在追求简练的构图思路。有些时候放一堆东西到画面里去,不如把一两个主要的东西诠释清楚。
Her green binary png eyes
For her fake binary png face
In a binary png classroom
That she called from a binary image folder
On a script full of binary characters
To get rid of itself
And it wears her out, it wears her out
It wears her out, it wears her out.
She lives with an invisible man
An ordinary oblivious man
Who just get named and taken controlled
He used to clean bedroom
For the girl from his next door
But gravity always wins
And it wears him out, it wears him out
It wears him out, it wears...
She looks like a real thing, she tastes like a real thing
My binary png love
But I can't help the feeling
I could blow through the ceiling
If I just click and delete
And it wears me out, it wears me out
It wears me out, it wears me out
If I could be who you wanted
If I could be, who you wanted
All the time
All the time