Author(s): CykaDev
Release date: May 13, 2018
Content warning: Swearing, Jumpscares, Self-harm, Suicide
Available languages: English, Russian, Spanish
“At first, I only thought it would be temporary.
However, soon, things started getting weirder and weirder. Whenever he was around, my heart would beat faster, and I wouldn’t control my body anymore. There’s nothing wrong with that… Right?”
Doki Doki! New Eyes is a fan game that lets you play through Act 1 & 2 of the original DDLC game… Through Yuri’s point of view. What you see isn’t necessarily what’s real. Sometimes, you need to change your perspective a little… You need to look at the world with new eyes.
Doki Doki New Eyes 是一款粉丝制作的mod,你可以通过Yuri的视角,来游玩心跳文学部的一周目和二周目。你看到的并不一定是真实的。有时候,你需要改变一下你的视角…你需要用新的眼光看待这个世界。