Author(s): Raid
Release date: November 22, 2019
Content Warning: Swearing, Self-harm, Suicide
The Truth of the Literature Club is a DDLC fan mod that will express a story from 4 different viewpoints, one for each girl. You’ll get to choose which girl’s route you take and discover the truth of their past. Each route will have a different story so be sure to explore them all! As you get to know the girls and get closer to one of them, the truths will eventually spill out, but… will you be there to learn it? Or ignore it and learn nothing?
Find out in this mod!
NOTE: This version contains Monika and Sayori’s routes in Chapter 2 of Truth of the Literature Club. Natsuki’s and Yuri’s are still in development.
《Truth of the Literature Club》是一个DDLC粉丝向的模组,它从四个视点角度切入来讲述这个故事,每一个视点对应文学部当中的每一个女孩。你将去选择其中一个女孩的路线并发现她们的过去所掩盖的真相。每一个剧情线都会有不一样的故事,所以你要确保把它们都探索完!在你知道了那些女孩并逐步靠近她们当中的一个时,真相最终就会浮出水面,可是...你在这里会探寻到吗?或是不去理会,一无所获呢?
附记:这个版本在《Truth of the Literature Club》的第二幕里面包含了莫妮卡和纱世里的路线。夏树的路线和优里的路线