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Consedunding project N=N计划【英语】 简介: Similar to the base game, Sayori convinces MC to join the Literature Club. Route-based. In each route, MC falls in love with one of the club members, and discovers issues that they have. Good and bad ending, with a bonus chapter included. I I I Sayori says no to suicide=勇敢纱世里,拒绝自杀!v1.1【英语】 I I I Doki Doki, The Normal VN!=?【英语】(不会取译名了,VN是啥?肯定不是越南的缩写吧?) 简介: The twists and turns within Doki Doki are exactly what make the game stand out.What appeared to be a typical anime dating simulator at first glance, quickly turned into an emotional horror-tinged story, setting it apart from other games in the visual novel space.While that’s all well and good, do you ever wonder what DDLC might be like if it did take a more “normal” route?Well The Normal VN is exactly that, removing most of the disturbing and less “normal” parts of the story to bring you a regular dating sim experience. I I I World of Dreams-Act Two=世界之梦-第二篇 v1.1.0【英语】 I I I 你这mod多少钱一斤啊?:https://disk.monika.love/s/PNtR 闲谈: 对于部分西班牙语的MOD,如果打不开MOD,就把文件夹路径里的西班牙语删去,就是一眼盯真看上去不像英语单词的一串,至于为什么我也不知道为什么(),欧好像我已经把上传的mod都改好名字了,只有中英文,所以应该可能大概也许不会有问题,有就删中文(确信!)
Consedunding A Different Story-Chapter 1=一个不同的故事-第一章【英语】 简介: After a major break up in his life, with the help of Sayori, MC and his twin brother Naoto Satō, they help Neo Satō to get his life back together. 2 years later, our new protagonist, begins studying at a new school in his hometown, where in the first school day, interesting things start to happen… What is going to happen next? I I I doki doki date club-DEMO=心跳约会部-试玩版 v0.2.1【英语】 I I I Our Final Heartbeat=我们最后的心跳【英语】 简介: This mod provides a different ending to the game. This ending will become available after you collected all of the artworks played until the credits roll. I I I special day=特殊日【英语】v0.4.0 I I I XD demo-试玩版【英语】 简介: This is a rom-com mod with a lot of fluff and risqué humor, inspired by the game dev studio SMEE. It has a lot of references to other VNs and some of my favorite media. It's not gonna be for everyone, but I hope it can get a chuckle out of someone at least. 闲谈: 【1】什么!居然开始落实截图和剧情简介了(尬笑)。好了好了,其实我是知道,搬MOD只给名字的话都算半个盲盒了,现在我打算不那么懒了()。什么?!你说我不翻译简介?这个嘛,开一下网页翻译或者截图翻译就好了,原本我打算复制粘贴机翻中文,然而机翻我看着太难受了,必须要好好改改。不过我懒癌又犯了,索性先放英文(苦笑)。至于以前搬的,我之后再慢慢补简介和截图吧。 【2】打@在【】中的是打包好的MOD(指莫盘中的标注),无需转移文件,解压就可以play MOD两块钱一斤:https://disk.monika.love/s/PNtR
Consedunding 2024!新年快乐! I'm Alive=我还活着【英语&西班牙语 18+】v1.0 简介: After the events that took place in Exit Music, the protagonist and Natsuki come back to life with the help of a mysterious incorporeal entity, in order to be subjected to a test; find the culprit of their fateful demises and put an end to him. One life in exchange for two, with the handicap of having limited time and limited attempts. If they succeed, they will have a second life on Earth. If they fail, they will die for good and will never see each other again. On the way they will suffer multiple inconveniences, both fortuitous and intentional, but they will put on the table all the means at their disposal to solve a mystery that surpasses them in all aspects; because they do not understand neither the random reason why they have been entrusted with such a mission, nor the way in which they will be able to achieve such an elusive and apparently impossible purpose. I I I Let This Dream Be Forever=让梦永存【英语】 简介: This is a mod about a guy who really wants to achieve his dream. And after some events this opportunity opens up for him. However, for something like this he needs to try hard! Therefore, the main character accepts all the difficulties and begins to change his life. I I I Undercurrents=暗流涌动【英语】 简介: Introducing the full demo for Doki Doki Undercurrents, a snapshot of the first Act of the story, split into four branches and following the ever-stubborn Melody. Experience the highs and lows of familiar and unfamiliar faces, and learn what it means to be human as you step into the shores of this expansion. Be careful not to be swept away in the process... I I I The Perfect Story-DEMO=完美故事-试玩版 【西班牙语】 简介:你就像一个玩过很多次DDLC的年轻人。我希望我能拯救女孩从他的死亡。在一个宿命的日子里,他奇迹般地被运送到他的世界,并被分配了一项任务。它能满足这个全能的存在的要求吗?快来看看这个完美的故事是如何展开的!(原西班牙语机翻成中文) 新年快乐:https://disk.monika.love/s/PNtR
Consedunding #72 神座出流 找安卓版就好了,建议去鼬先生的网盘里找(^_−)☆,那里齐全些 【新mods整合-几乎全为汉化-安卓+PC】共100G, 含安卓100余部, PC130余部 #3148
夕立 新米提問一下,目前莫盤是不是沒有提供安卓的原版資源? 翻了論壇好久找到的都是失效的連結 (*/ω\*) http://www.aliyundrive.com/s/cXdeUrTnNDv 小鼬鼬大大分享的阿里雲台灣好像無法下載…
Consedunding #74 夕立 我帮你转载到莫盘了,试试看吧( ̄▽ ̄)/ 顺带一提,你无需花时间翻论坛的远古资源帖了,它们几乎完全失效(原上传者估计也不大会补档),真正能拿到手的资源在近几月的帖子里,当然内容集中于本话题和鼬先生的阿里云盘(^_^)/,也有资源保存于百度贴吧中的“多多理财吧”及其QQ大群“多多大食堂”
Consedunding 生肉: Spark of Hope=星星之火,点燃未来【英语】 简介: The MC finds himself in a void where he realizes there can be happiness in this world, however he can't do it without the girls. He finds away to bring back Monika and convinces her to restore the game, but at a cost. The others remember exactly what happened in the past, it's up to you to make things right again. Will you be able to rebuild the friendship they had before or will it all go horrible like the past? 截图预览: I I I The Walking Doki Literature Club=心跳丧尸【英语】 True Route=真正的故事【英语】 Monika Before Story【汉化】 莫妮卡!情人节快乐!(哭):https://disk.monika.love/s/PNtR