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summertime的猜词和原版的选词写诗类似,由莫妮卡出词条缩写(如DDLC),剩余人来猜(如DokiDokiLiteratureClub)。不同选项基本上对应着不同女孩所喜爱和认同的内容,但略有新奇的是,居然还有空白选项的存在,不知道是单纯空白还是有隐藏影响 这不是空白选项,而是主角选项!(这些词好像暗示着这是个游戏的现实),我还没通剧情,为了方便单推,第一次猜词我就刷了一下午词条(固执),顺便拿出来分享给 在玩 / 要玩 的伙伴们吧
格式为 字母缩写-词条 或 字母缩写=词条
AI-Absolute Irony
BAE-Beware: Angsty And Edgy!
BFF-Best Friend Fund
BG-Bad Gas
BLT-Bitter Laundry Time
CAT-Cat After Tax
CSB-Cool Story, Bro
DDLC-Deep Dip Loopy Cereal
ER-Evil Racecar
FOMO-Forgot to Move
GBH-Go Buy Hambaga!
GG-Guaranteed Garbage
GUI-Garbage Unless Ironic
HAZ-MAT=Hazardous Mattress
JK-Just Kidding
MIA-Mosquito In Action
NIMBY-Not In My Backyard
NSFW=Non-SelfFlushing Waterfall
NSFL-Not Safe For Life
OMG-Oh My God
OWO-Openly Whispered Opinion
OS-Onion Sanctuary
PAW-Please, Ask the Waiter!
PEBKAC-Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair
PNG=Post-Nursery Gossip
POW-Piece Of Water
RGBA-Raw Grimace Based Advice
RIP-Rest In Pepperoni
ROFL-Rolling On the Floor Laughing
SFX-Steamed Fax
SOS-Shave Our Shores
TLDR-Too Long,Don't Read
TMI-Too Much Information
TGIF-Thank God It's Friday
TEAM-Tell Everyone: Accept Mosquitoes!
TTF-Thank The Furries
TTYL-Tisk, Tisk, You're Lazy
UFO-Urgent Flower Offer
VN-Very Nice
XOXO=X. Oscar Xerox Officer
AI-Ant Invasion
BAE-Before Anyone Else
BFF-Best Friends Forever
BG-Bean Grater
BLT-Bacon Lettuce Tomato
CAT-Cats and Tails
CSB-Chilli Sauce Bowl
DDLC-Dogs Do Lousy Cooking
ER-Emu Rescue
FOMO-Feed Others—Make Offers
GBH-Great Big Hugs
GG-Good Game
GUI-General Use Ingredients
HAZ-MAT=Had A Zebra—Made A Trade
JK-Just Kittens
MIA-Monkey Island Adventure
NIMBY-Natsuki's Interactions Mimic Boisterous Youngsters
NSFW-Noses Sniff, Friends Wait
NSFL-Not Safe For Llamas
OMG-Official Monkey Greeting
OWO-Surprised Face
OS-Owl Stool
PAW-Parents Are Watching
PEBKAC-Pandas Exist Because Koalas Accept Competition
PNG-Panda Nap Garden
POW-Piece Of Waffle
RGBA-Reserved Guinea Baboon Aid
RIP-Recycled Ice Pack
ROFL-Rescued Ordinary Flying Lemurs
SFX-Shrimp Fryer X
SOS-Spice or Sauce?
TEAM-Together Everyone Achieves More
TGIF-Table Grade Icing Fork
TLDR-Traditional Lumpy Dried Rice
TMI-Too Many Ingredients
TTF-Team Training Ferret
TTYL-Talk To You Later
UFO-Unsalted Flamingo Omelette
VN-Vegan Noodles
XOXO-Kiss Hug Kiss Hug
AI-Adrenaline Injection
BAE-Basic Anthropological Experiment
BFF-Boyfriend Figure
BG-Burial Grounds
BLT-Beginner Laboratory Technician
CAT-Crisis Action Team
CSB-Counter-Shock Bolus
DDLC-Dose Dependant Liver Cream
ER-Emergency Room
FOMO-Fear Of Missing Out
GBH-Grievous Burn Hospital
GG-Ghost Girl
GUI-Grave User Index
HAZ-MAT=Hazardous Material
JK-John Kennedy
MIA-Missing In Action
NIMBY-Needless Inscrutability Makes Blushing Yuri
NSFW-Not Safe For Wark
NSFL-Not Safe For Librar
OMG-Offensive Magnetic Grenade
OS-Operating Scalpel
OWO-Otherworldly Offer
PAW-Permanent Arm Weakness
PEBKAC-Permanently Bruised Knife Applied Cut
PNG-Paranoid Neighborhood Guide
POW-Prisoner Of War
RGBA-Rare Genetic Brain Acid
RIP-Rest In Peace
ROFL-Revoked Original Foreign Literature
SFX-Solve For X
SOS-Save Our Souls
TEAM-Tactical-Edged Army Machete
TGIF-Title Graphic Initial Foreshadowing
TLDR-Thomas Lawrence Dialectic Revision
TMI-Theoretical Murder Investigation
TTYL-Trapped Talented Young Loner
TTF-Time Theory Formula
UFO-Unidentified Flying Object
VN-Viable Needle
XOXO=X-ray Output Cross-Overview
AI-Artificial Intelligence
DDLC-Doki Doki Literature Club
GUI-Graphical User Interface
OS-Operating System
PNG-Portable Network Graphics
RGBA-Red Green Blue Alpha
SFX-Sound Effects
TTF-TrueType Font
VN-Visual Novel
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