- #86
- 已编辑
- 现在MAICA会对下载历史附加PSS签名
- MAICA将允许用户上传自己备份的对话历史(需要验证签名)
- 增加MFocus与MTrigger的协作能力, 改善模型表现失步的问题
- 后端增加版本流和兼容性管理能力
- 性能优化, 调整cpu密集型函数的执行方式
- 踢掉了烦人的json strings
- 踢掉了测试文件
如果一切顺利, 我们会在月底之前正式开启MAICA.
Final before-release updates.
- MAICA now adds PKCS1_PSS signatures to downloaded chat histories
- Histories with valid signatures are permitted to be restored from local
- Added compatibility patches on MFocus and MTrigger
- Version control and compatibility management intergrated in backend
- CPU bound functions optimized
- Kicked annoying JSON-strings
- Kicked test files
We'll finally be starting MAICA release by the end of the month, if nothing goes wrong.